New Travel Rules to Affect Holidays to 29 Countries including Greece

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Significant changes are coming to the way British travelers visit the European Union and Schengen countries. A recent survey found that nearly two-thirds of people were unaware of the upcoming introduction of fingerprints and facial scans when crossing borders.

The new Entry/Exit System (EES) will be implemented alongside the requirement for UK citizens to purchase a visa waiver, known as the European Travel Information and Authorisation Scheme (ETIAS), to visit EU and Schengen countries.

The EES is an automated system that will register non-EU travelers' personal details, biometric data, and entry and exit information each time they cross the border. This data will be stored for up to three years. The EU says the system will streamline border control procedures and save time.

However, 46% of British travelers surveyed felt deterred by the data collection and storage aspects of the EES. Additionally, the ETIAS visa waiver, expected to cost €7 (£6), will be required for UK citizens to visit the Schengen area.

The EES will apply to 25 EU countries, as well as Greece, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. It will be implemented at border crossings, ports, and terminals like the Port of Dover, Eurostar, and Eurotunnel.

The exact start dates for the EES and ETIAS schemes have been delayed, with the EES now slated to begin in October 2024 and ETIAS expected to launch in mid-2025. Travelers are advised to stay informed about these upcoming changes to ensure smooth journeys to Europe.

The countries where EES will apply©Provided by Metro

1. Austria
2. Belgium
3. Bulgaria
4. Croatia
5. Czech Republic
6. Denmark
7. Estonia
8. Finland
9. France
10. Germany
11. Greece
12. Hungary
13. Iceland
14. Italy
15. Latvia
16. Liechtenstein
17. Lithuania
18. Luxembourg
19. Malta
20. Netherlands
21. Norway
22. Poland
23. Portugal
24. Romania
25. Slovakia
26. Slovenia
27. Spain
28. Sweden
29. Switzerland

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