Greece’s new Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, an avid non- smoker, has made it a priority to enforce the prohibition of smoking in public spaces, as Greece is still the largest smoking population in Europe.
Mitsotakis has sent a message to all MPs that they must lead by example and announced that parliament will impose its ban in ministries, hospitals, schools and other public services.
The new government announced on Friday that Panagiotis Behrakis, a prominent respiratory physiologist long at the forefront of global efforts to combat tobacco addition, would spearhead the anti-smoking drive and over the next few weeks, a new hotline will be established for violations to be reported by members of the public.
As the crackdown intensifies, police will be actively enrolled Penalties will apply with fines ranging from €50 to €500 for offenders and, in the event of repeated violations, businesses will be closed.
The ban will be enforced in all buildings of public service offices, health care units including hospitals and all health care units, in all education premises, including schools and universities, kinder gardens, daycare centres, indoor venues, sporting events as well as bars, restaurants, and cafes, train stations and airports.