Delicious Homemade Diples Recipe

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Diples are a traditional Greek sweet, served mostly at celebrations including engagements, weddings, baptisms, and Christmas time, however, they can be enjoyed any time of the year.

Delicious Homemade Diples Recipe
Delicious Homemade Diples Recipe

Diples, a delightful Greek dessert, are made from an egg-heavy dough infused with citrus, vinegar, and sometimes an alcoholic spirit. The dough's consistency resembles homemade pasta dough, offering a delightful blend of flavours and textures. The tart notes from the citrus and vinegar add vibrance to the dough's richness while complementing its sweetness.

The magic happens during frying, where the dough puffs up, creating a light, crispy, and bubbly spiral. This unique structure is the perfect vessel to trap the heavenly honey and cinnamon syrup. The syrup adds sweetness and acts as the adhesive for the crushed walnut topping.

Deep frying is an art that demands precision and care, and making diples takes it to the next level. You must fold the dough into the hot oil, shaping and frying it simultaneously. Additionally, rolling the dough into very thin sheets, resembling lasagna noodles, requires patience and finesse.

To achieve the desired thickness and uniformity, pasta noodle rollers are the best tools for rolling out the dough. However, the most challenging step is frying and shaping the diples. Traditionally, this involves twirling the dough around a fork and carefully placing it in the hot oil. An alternative method is to pre-roll each dough sheet into a cylinder before gently immersing it in the oil.

While the dough and syrup already contain citrus juice, adding extra zest can enhance the flavour. Drawing inspiration from baklava, you can experiment with syrup and toppings. Consider incorporating rosewater and orange flower water to complement the honey, or try pistachios, pecans, or hazelnuts as alternatives to walnuts. Diples are not just a dessert; they're a culinary adventure waiting to be explored.

Homemade Diples Recipe

Ingredients →

- 2 and a half cups of all-purpose flour

- 3 eggs

- 4 tablespoons of Brandy

- 1 tablespoon baking powder

- 2 tablespoons sugar

- vegetable oil for frying

For syrup →

- 1 cup of honey

- 1/4 cup of sugar

- 1 cup of water

To garnish →

- finely chopped walnuts

- ground cinnamon

Greek Delicious Homemade Diples
Greek Delicious Homemade Diples

Method →

- Mix the flour with baking powder in a bowl and place a hole in the middle of the mixture.

- Whisk the eggs with sugar and brandy in a separate bowl for a few minutes and then add it into the centre of the flour.

- Knead your dough until it becomes smooth but slightly firm.

- Cover with plastic cling wrap and allow to sit for half an hour.

- Mix the dough slightly again with your hands.

- Divide the dough into small balls (about the size of an apple) and begin rolling them out on a floured surface until it becomes a thin pastry.

- Start cutting the pastry into rectangle pieces (approximately 12cm x 6cm)

- Add oil into a deep fry pan and allow to heat.

- Carefully place your dough sheet (one at a time) completely into the oil, and using a set of tongs and a fork (or you can use 2 forks), quickly fold it three times to form a rolled shape (as pictured).

- Repeat this process until all your sheets of dough have been fried.

- To make the syrup, add honey, sugar, and water into a large pot and bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes.

- Dip your Diples in the hot syrup and toss them a few times to coat them entirely with the syrup.

- Repeat until all the Diples have been dipped in the syrup.

- Sprinkle with finely chopped walnuts and ground cinnamon.

- Diples may be served immediately, or you can store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to a week.

*Recipe from flavoursandflair

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.

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