Sotiris Tsiodras received the updated vaccine against Covid-19

Sotiris Tsiodras

The professor of infectious diseases, Sotiris Tsiodras, was vaccinated today with the updated vaccine against the coronavirus at the Immunisation Center of Peristeri.

In his statements, the professor called on citizens, especially those belonging to vulnerable groups, to get the vaccine.

More than 80,000 vaccinations have been done with the updated vaccine, and another 30,000 appointments have been scheduled over a month, as ERT reports.

As Tsiodras stated: "I vaccinate because I trust science. I vaccinate to protect myself, to protect those around me because I am also a health professional, and I have people in my environment who are at high risk. I vaccinate to reduce the effects."

The professor wished that at least all those who belong to high-risk groups for serious disease would be vaccinated.

"The incidence of the post-COVID situation has decreased by 60% among those who have been vaccinated. I think there are enough reasons to get vaccinated."

Christina Kontogeorgou, assistant pediatrician at the Peristeri Health Center, said: " People should be vaccinated to be able to protect themselves because I can also be positive and go out."

Georgia Maniati, director of the Peristeri Health Centre, said, "We want Mr Tsiodras to step up because we also do regular clinics, there are people who are still afraid; they question it".

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