Princess Tatiana of Greece Makes First Post-Separation Appearance at Olympic Handover Ceremony

Tatiana feature

Princess Tatiana of Greece made her first public appearance since the announcement of her separation from Prince Nikolaos, joining his mother, Queen Anne-Marie, at an Olympic Handover ceremony. Despite the recent news, Princess Tatiana appeared cheerful as she attended the event alongside Queen Anne-Marie, showcasing a vibrant sapphire-blue ensemble.

The two royals engaged in conversation as they observed the ceremony unfold at Athens' Panathenaic Stadium.

The Olympic Handover ceremony, held just a week after the separation announcement, symbolised the transition from Greece to France, with honoured guests from the Hellenic Olympic Committee participating in the event.

Prince Nikolaos and Princess Tatiana tied the knot in August 2010 in a grand ceremony attended by royalty from various countries. Despite their separation, the royal family issued a statement affirming their amicable decision, expressing mutual respect and appreciation for each other.


Princess Tatiana's transition to Greek royal life was marked by her down-to-earth demeanor, a departure from the extravagance often associated with royalty. Born in Venezuela and educated in Switzerland, Tatiana met Prince Nikolaos during a ski holiday in 2003, leading to their engagement six years later and their wedding in 2010.

Following their wedding, Princess Tatiana left her job in event organising and settled in Greece with Prince Nikolaos, fulfilling his lifelong dream of residing in his homeland.

The couple's separation, declared on April 19 after nearly 14 years of marriage, surprised royal enthusiasts. However, Princess Tatiana will retain her title post-divorce, though its significance holds more social prestige than constitutional power since the Greek monarchy was abolished in 1967.

(Source: Daily Mail UK)


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