The enduring influence of the Church in Greek politics remains a topic of debate and scrutiny, deeply intertwined with the nation’s history and cultural fabric. From the early days of the Greek state to the present, the Church has wielded considerable political clout, although assessing its precise degree of influence today proves challenging.
Throughout Greece‘s political evolution, instances abound where the Church’s actions, or lack thereof, have shaped significant developments. From clashes with the state over property disputes to contentious issues like civil marriage and abortion, the Church has often been a central player in national debates.
However, the extent of the Church’s sway varies across regions, demographics, and political spheres. In Northern Greece, where religious networks hold strong sway, parties with religious affiliations tend to fare better. Conversely, younger demographics exhibit less deference to the Church, particularly in cultural matters.
Moreover, the Church’s influence differs depending on the activity and prominence of individual dioceses and parishes. Active prelates with robust charitable or spiritual initiatives wield greater influence, while the relationship between politics and the Church is often reinforced in conservative parties.
Recent data from Kappa Research sheds light on shifting attitudes towards the Church.
The percentage of Greeks who say they believe in God stands at 73%, among the highest in Europe, but down significantly from 92% in 2005.
The authority of the Church as an institution also seems to be more strongly questioned, as those who trust it amount to 38%, with 61% disbelieving it.
In terms of the extent of church attendance, 28% say they go to church at least once a month, with over 60% saying they rarely (social events, major holidays, etc.) or never go to church.
Furthermore, there is growing support for the separation of Church and State, indicating a desire to delineate matters of faith from secular governance.
Ultimately, the evolving relationship between the Church and politics reflects broader societal shifts, with demographic changes and political dynamics shaping the contours of influence in Greek society.
(Source: Kathimerini)