Tag: quipus

Pyrgi Chios xysta

The Mathematical Masterminds of Medieval Chios

It is well-known that the academic mathematicians of ancient Greece made a hugely significant contribution to world thought. However, the ancient inhabitants of the tiny village of Pyrgi on the island of Chios present to us their mathematical brilliance in a more unexpected way – through their design tradition, patterns called xysta.

Pyrgi Chios xysta

The Mathematical Masterminds of Medieval Pyrgi

It is well-known that the academic mathematicians of ancient Greece made a hugely significant contribution to world thought. However, the ancient inhabitants of the tiny village of Pyrgi on the island of Chios present to us their mathematical brilliance in a more unexpected way – through their design tradition, patterns called xysta.

Pyrgi Chios xysta

The Mathematical Masterminds of Medieval Pyrgi

It is well-known that the academic mathematicians of ancient Greece made a hugely significant contribution to world thought. However, the ancient inhabitants of the tiny village of Pyrgi on the island of Chios present to us their mathematical brilliance in a more unexpected way – through their design tradition, patterns called xysta.

Pyrgi Chios xysta

The Mathematical Masterminds of Medieval Pyrgi

It is well-known that the academic mathematicians of ancient Greece made a hugely significant contribution to world thought. However, the ancient inhabitants of the tiny village of Pyrgi on the island of Chios present to us their mathematical brilliance in a more unexpected way – through their design tradition, patterns called xysta.