Tag: rural greece

Rev. Constantine Dousikos celebrates the Blessing of the Five Loaves ceremony

Rural Revival: A Greek Village Rebuilds Through Faith and Family

A small village in the mountains of central Greece is defying the odds against rural depopulation. Fourna, with just 180 residents, has seen its fortunes shift thanks to an unusual alliance between a schoolteacher and an Orthodox priest. Together, they launched a campaign to attract families, offering financial support and a fresh start. The result? New families, a growing school, and a renewed sense of hope for a community once on the brink of extinction.

Families Wanted’: Greek Village’s Viral Ad Offers Free Housing and Jobs to Combat ‘National Danger

'Families Wanted': Greek Village’s Viral Ad Offers Free Housing and Jobs to Combat "National Danger"

In the mountainous village of Fourna in Greece’s Evrytania region, residents are breathing life back into their beloved community by attracting young families through a grassroots effort that has gone viral.