Karpathos is the top Greek island for the Dutch

Kyra Panagia beach karpathos

It is a Greek island destination that offers water sports, diving, themed tours and nautical excursions.

Karpathos ranked first among Dutch tourists' preferences in a list announced by the travel website Griekenland.net, which conducted a survey about the Greek destinations offering water sports, diving, themed tours, and nautical excursions.

The largest website in the Netherlands that focuses exclusively on vacations in Greece states that "with the Meltemi as an ally and the lacy coastline, Karpathos is the best destination in Greece for windsurfing enthusiasts.

"Diving to explore reefs and wrecks is an excellent addition to the daily life of sea lovers. The services provided by the surfing schools and diving centres of the island enhance the experience of the activities in Karpathos," the outlet added.

Olympos Karpathos greek island

It is noted that the Municipality of Karpathos had previously been extensively presented in the Dutch media about the range of alternative activities on the island.

On this wavelength, the Danish magazine Ude og Hjemme published a lengthy multi-page feature titled "Karpathos, Greece's Diamond in the Rough" at the same time, extolling the wild natural beauty, local cuisine, tradition, and numerous options for exploration of the second largest island of the Dodecanese.

Kyra Panagia karpathos

"The messages we receive about the development of the season are positive, with a large number of tourists expected from traditional, but also newer markets. It is encouraging that our story of multi-experience holidays in Karpathos, such as visiting villages, dozens of beaches, hiking, diving, climbing, sea tourism, culture, our unique tradition and gastronomy," said the Deputy Mayor for Tourism of the Municipality of Karpathos, Tasos Milios.

Karpathos greek island

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