The best fruits and vegetables to eat during a heatwave

watermelons fruits

On hot days, we generally have to pay attention to several things, both in our diet and in our movements. When the thermometer reaches red, our body tries to cope and not raise its internal temperature too much. So, heart rates go up, blood pressure drops, and sweating occurs.

In order to stay properly hydrated in case of very high temperatures, we need to drink a lot of fluids—especially water—and consume fruits and vegetables with a high water content.

Let's see which fruits and vegetables we should consume.

Watermelon and melon

watermelon salad

Watermelon and melon are two fruits with a high water content. They fill us up and hydrate us. You can enjoy them plain or add them to salads.

For example, you can make an easy but healthy salad combining watermelon, cucumber, and avocado.

You can also combine melon with manouri and herbs for a very light meal. And let's not forget everyone's favourite watermelon with feta, which is the perfect solution for hot days.

Strawberries and berries


Strawberries and all berries have a high water content and are ideal ingredients for natural juices or smoothies.

You can combine them with milk, yoghurt, plant-based "milk," and other fruits or nut butter to make a perfect, energy-rich smoothie that will fill you up and hydrate you while providing you with nutrients and antioxidants.


Cherries are a fruit that helps to hydrate us. They are mainly eaten plain but also suitable for salads, juices, and smoothies. The summer salad with cherries, arugula, and gorgonzola is a very tasty, nutritious, and light meal.


It's now in its prime, so you'll get it at its best! It is one of the basic ingredients of Greek salad, and it goes well with pepper and other greens. It is also eaten plain, cut into sticks, as a snack. You can even offer it as a snack to accompany your drink or beer.


tomato and onion salad tomatoes

Summer calls out, "Tomatoes"! Adding them to the Greek salad is the best during a heatwave. Juicy and delicious, they go great with cucumber, pepper, and feta!

In addition to fruits and vegetables, experts recommend the following for hydration:

Dairy products

Feta cheese, cheeses in general, and yoghurt are what we need to stay cool and hydrate ourselves. They are ideal ingredients for our breakfast in periods of heat. Combined with seasonal fruits, they will offer us the hydration we need.

More salt

Salt raises blood pressure, while on days when we sweat a lot, we need more salt in our food as our body eliminates it through sweating. Of course, don't overdo it!

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