George Ellis

Conductor George Ellis’ Olympic Glory

For Greek-Australian conductor and composer, George Ellis, there aren’t too many accomplishments that come close to plying his trade at the Opening Ceremony of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games – and it’s not hard to understand why as he retells his story on the Ouzo Talk podcast.

Parthenon Marbles

The Parthenon Marbles Return to Greece

Described as an “Ocean’s Eleven minus Brad Pitt meets Dan Brown, Byron and Thucydides”, ‘The Aegean Seven’ is a new historical fiction by Billy Cotsis for those who want to know more about the period in which and how the Parthenon Sculptures were taken. Despite many of the characters being purely fiction, the novel lays out what happened and how it happened on the eve of the Greek Revolution and freedom.

Greeks are Everywhere: The Greek History Behind the Sicilian Flag

Greeks are Everywhere: The Greek History Behind the Sicilian Flag

Greeks are everywhere! Anyone who has travelled to Sicily has most likely seen, on flags, ceramics and souvenirs, a strange-looking representation of a female head with three legs attached to it, flexed to form a triangle. Read about how the Italians drew from Greek history to create the Sicilian flag.

The Acropolis Museum is celebrating its 12th birthday

Ouzo Talk Podcast: No Excuses Left – Time to Return the Parthenon Sculptures

Speaking to the Ouzo Talk podcast, Founder and Chair of the International Committee – Australia – for the Restitution of the Parthenon Marbles Inc (IOCARPM), Emmanuel John Comino AM, and committee member Theodora Gianniotis, are of the strong opinion that the British Museum are now clutching at straws, as their out-dated arguments have been systematically disproved over time.

Ouzo Talk

Ouzo Talk Podcast Going Down a Treat

Greek City Times is proud to present the Ouzo Talk podcast. Custom-made for the Greek diaspora, Ouzo Talk, is making waves, with listeners in over 20 countries globally now tuning in for the Ouzo-fuelled conversations of co-hosts Nick Athanassiou and Tom Skolarikis.