Galaktoboureko with kataifi cream

Galaktoboureko with kataifi cream

This galaktoboureko with aromatic cream is even more addictive with the addition of kataifi.

Materials for 6-8 servings:

For the galaktoboureko

100 gr. melted butter
One package of kataifi

For the cream

1-litre whole milk
30 ml of water
One vanilla
200 gr. sugar
90 gr. fine semolina
Four medium eggs
One lemon, the zest
70 gr. butter 82%

For the syrup

700 gr. sugar
400 ml of water
One cinnamon stick
200 gr. glucose


Step 1

Cream: Heat the milk, water, vanilla and sugar in a saucepan.

Step 2

In a bowl, pour the semolina, the eggs, and some of the milk from the saucepan and mix until the mixture has no lumps at all.

Step 3

Then, pour the whole mixture back into the saucepan, adding the lemon zest and stirring until it becomes a thick cream. Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the butter, stirring until it melts.

Step 4

Galaktoboureko: Melt the butter. Mix half of the kataifi well with our hands and cover the other half with a towel to prevent it from drying out.

Step 5

Butter a 20 cm round pan well with a brush. Layer the kataifi in sections, buttering with the brush in between and leaving some extra around the perimeter.

Step 6

After filling the pan with half the amount of kataifi, spread the cream on top and then cover it with the leftover foil from our pan.

Step 7

We repeat the exact same procedure with the other half of the kataifi, buttering it with the remaining butter and covering all sides.

Step 8

Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C in the air for about 1 hour and until well browned.

Step 9

Syrup: 10 minutes before the kataifi is ready, put all the ingredients in a saucepan until they boil. Remove from the heat.

Step 10

Take the dessert out of the oven and immediately pour the hot syrup over it. Serve as soon as it cools.

Galaktoboureko with kataifi cream
Recipe: Thanasis Tsagliotis/ La Maison, Styling: Tzannis Sifnaios, Photography: Studio LM

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