Ancient Greece Greek language words

Did you know many English words have Greek roots?

Greek is ranked as the richest language in the world with 5 million words and 70 million word types. It is well-known that languages all across the globe – including English – have borrowed a myriad of words, phrases and expressions from Greek. Here is a short list of English words that are used daily by English speakers that are fully taken from the Greek language.

Parthenon Marbles

The Parthenon Marbles Return to Greece

Described as an “Ocean’s Eleven minus Brad Pitt meets Dan Brown, Byron and Thucydides”, ‘The Aegean Seven’ is a new historical fiction by Billy Cotsis for those who want to know more about the period in which and how the Parthenon Sculptures were taken. Despite many of the characters being purely fiction, the novel lays out what happened and how it happened on the eve of the Greek Revolution and freedom.

Ulysses James Joyce

The Anniversary of ‘Ulysses’ – A Masterpiece in Modern Writing

This week marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of ‘Ulysses’ by Irish writer James Joyce, widely regarded as one of the most influential and important writers of the 20th century. A committed philhellene. Joyce insisted that the cover of ‘Ulysses’ should match the blue of the Greek flag which hung in his Paris apartment.

Her Voice

Her Voice: Greek Women and Their Friends

‘Her Voice: Greek Women and their Friends’ has been called an insightful anthology, and it contains the individual stories of 42 women – Greek Australian women and their friends to be precise – as they reflect upon the challenges that they have encountered on a myriad of levels in Australia over decades.

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