World Health Day 2021: Foods to boost immunity

World Health Day 2021: Foods to boost immunity

World Health Day 2021: Foods to boost immunity

Anthi Naoumi

On 7 April 2021, 'World Health Day' will be commemorated globally, under the theme “Together for a fairer, healthier world”.

It is a day to celebrate and recognise the important aspects of global health.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the COVID-19 pandemic has undercut recent health gains, pushed more people into poverty and food insecurity, and amplified gender, social and health inequities.

So what can you do to help your body?

The answer is simple: maintain a healthy and balanced diet! You don’t have to target a specific nutrient or food; you only need to reach the balance. A healthy and balanced diet is already enough to provide you all you need: vitamins A, B6, B12, C and D, as well as the copper, folate, iron, selenium and zinc.

World Health Day 2021: Foods to boost immunity

Food sources:

As you ascertain, it’s easier to keep in mind to have a healthy balanced diet with various and balanced food choices than have all those nutrient in mind!

ComponentNoteWhere to find it
Vitamin AKnown as retinolCheese, eggs, oily fish, fortified low-fat spreads, milk and yoghurt, liver and liver products such as liver pâté
Vitamin B6Also known as pyridoxinePork, poultry (such as chicken or turkey), fish, bread, wholegrain cereals (such as oatmeal, wheat germ and brown rice), eggs, vegetables, soya beans, peanuts, milk, potatoes and some fortified breakfast cereals
Vitamin B12Basically in meat productsChicken, beef, fish, dairy, eggs

Fortified foods: cereal, non-dairy milks and soy products (check the food labels to be sure)

Vitamin CMaybe the most advertised nutrientCitrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin), berries, broccoli
Vitamin DAn upcoming star!Fatty fish (salmon, trout) as well as enriched food products (dairy, breakfast cereals, juices)
Beta – caroteneFind it in natural foods with intense colourYellow, red and green (leafy) vegetables, such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes and red peppers, yellow fruit, such as mango, papaya and apricots
Copper-Nuts, shellfish, offal
Folate-Broccoli, brussels sprouts, liver (but avoid this during pregnancy), leafy green vegetables (such as cabbage and spinach), peas, chickpeas, breakfast cereals fortified with folic acid
IronYou can better absorb it by combining animal and non-animal sources, and by having vitamin C sources in the same mealLiver (but avoid this during pregnancy), meat, beans, nuts, dried fruit (such as dried apricots), whole-grains (such as brown rice), fortified breakfast cereals, soy bean flour, most dark-green leafy vegetables – such as watercress and curly kale
Selenium-Brazil nuts, fish, meat, eggs
ZincIt is better absorbed from animal productsRed meat, poultry, seafood

Non animal products: wheat germ, beans, walnuts, whole grains, tofu and fortified foods

ProbioticsThe germs we want!Fermented foods, such as: yogurt, pickles, sour milk
Protein-Dairies, eggs, meat and meat products, fish and seafood, nuts, beans
+ Avoid intense and vigorous weight loss methods, which can make your immune system weak.

Non-nutritional key points:

Furthermore, a good night sleep as well as regular exercise and low stress levels can help your immune system.

WhatHow muchReference
Sleep7-9 hours of a good night sleepCDC (Center of disease control)
Physical activity≥150 minutes/week (moderate intensity)WHO (World Health Organisation)

Tips in summary:

  • Healthy balanced diet!
  • Choose food to supplements
  • Various and balanced food choices
  • Consume at least 3-5 portions of fruit and vegetables, daily
  • Have good hygiene practices for your hands and kitchen
  • Have a good night sleep
  • Be physically active
  • Keep your stress levels low

*Anthi Naoumi is a registered dietitian nutritionist at DIETTIPS Diet & Nutrition Center in Thessaloniki. 

*More on GCT: Ten Healthy Reasons to add Feta to your Diet
GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.